Here’s What’s Happening At Geneva
You may sign up for any of the following programs by contacting the person listed in the announcement or by phoning the church office at 734-459-0013. Access the Geneva activity calendar anytime by logging onto the Geneva web site at and clicking on the “calendar” button.
Interfaith Service Project
Geneva is participating in the first Interfaith Community Outreach Clothing Drive, uniting Plymouth-Canton's diverse faith and cultural communities as we come together for a common cause – helping our neighbors in need. The clothing drive will run October 23 - November 6 with clothing dropped at various sites around the community, including Geneva. The drive will culminate November 19 with a free "shopping spree," to be held at the Crescent Academy, for anyone who has need. We need volunteers to help with sorting, transporting, display set up and take down, helping the shoppers, and clean-up. A list of donations requested and one for volunteers to sign up are on the bulletin board in the main hallway near the library. For more information, contact Dawn Christenson or Donna Gray.
Movie Night and Craft Weekend – Friday, November 6th at 7pm is the next movie night. After the movie, we will have a crafting and fellowship time until 11pm. The next day, November 7, we will be starting back up with crafting at 8am. We will have brunch at 10am. The crafting will end at 2pm. We are asking for a $5 donation for the brunch. If you have questions, please contact Cheryl Caldwell at 734-404-6463.
Quilting and Craft Day
At the Ladies’ Craft Day on November 7, we will also be having a guest from Augsburg Lutheran Church in Toledo, Ohio to talk to us about a potential service project involving quilts…
Come to the Women's Craft Sat Nov. 7th! At 10:30 AM MaMa Marie's Quilt will be presented by Peggy Gould and Rochelle Krolak from Augsburg Lutheran Church Toledo, OH. Peggy started this program in memory of her mother, and to benefit the homeless. Anyone is welcome and no sewing skills needed. If you have questions contact Charlene Jones 734-981-3053
Second Saturday Servants, November 14, 12:00 – 4:00
We will meet at Gleaners’ warehouse in Taylor to learn about the mission of Gleaners to alleviate hunger, and we will also work for a few hours to help them sort and pack food to send to feed hungry people. Participants are invited to bring some food to contribute. Sign up on the bulletin board where you will find complete instructions for this event. The Gleaners activity is appropriate for all ages but we ask that children be accompanied by a responsible adult.
Habitat for Humanity Apostles Build Project
Work is underway on the Apostles Build Rehab house at 37241 Vincent in Westland. We have churches scheduled for Saturdays, but we are in need of volunteers for Tuesdays, and Thursdays and some Wednesdays. If you are available to work on this house please contact Chuck Hodge at or 453-0291. We can accommodate 4 to 6 people per work day. Please DO NOT show up at the site without registering first. He will let the volunteers know what kind of work to expect on the work day.
Lunch Bunch
The Lunch Bunch meeting in November will be on Tuesday, November 17th. It is a program for seniors called “Safe, Sound and Secure”. This seminar takes place from 12-3pm at the Summit in Canton and includes a free lunch. Call Ralph or Bevis Richardson at 734-981-0290.