Saturday, December 22, 2012

New Pictorial Directory

Geneva will be partnering with the Lifetouch program to establish a new pictorial directory. We will starting sign ups this Sunday, Dec 23 for photo sessions that start January 24 through January 26.

Lifetouch programs include free directory for each photographed family, a free 8x10 portrait plus portrait discounts, an online directory and a CD image for each member. Sign up online by following this link .

Each church member will get a call from our pastor about scheduling and appointment reminders. Please plan to be a part of this very important program. Instructions will be available on brochures handed out at church.

We will need volunteers to check Families in and help with scheduling. Please contact Cindy Foley at 734-259-8203 to help or for more information.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

The Story

I hope you were all blessed by our launch of The Story on Sunday. I am looking forward to seeing what God has in store for us as we continue this journey together for the next 30 weeks.
I wanted to update you on a couple of new ways you can participate in The Story. First of all, the various small groups are up and running. All of them have had or will be having their first meeting sometime this week. There is always room for more people, so if you have not joined a group yet, you may do so at anytime dring the program.
Second -- invite friends! Invite them to the Sunday night program. Invite them to one of the weekday small groups. Invite them to worship with us on Sunday mornings. This is a wonderful way to introduce your friends to the story of God and help them find their place in it.
Third -- Check out the new The Story link on the Geneva web site at Go to  and click on the upper left tab called The Story.  Or, you can get there from The Story center at the bottom of the page. Once there, you will find a player, where you have options to click WATCH, LISTEN and RESOURCES.
** At this point you can WATCH the youth video. Adults, you might like it too. It's great!
** You can LISTEN to Bryan's message from the Sunday before. 
** You can download a personal devotion guide under RESOURCES.

Each Sunday night the site will be updated with a new youth video and the mp3 message from that day's worship service. The previous week's information will still be there as well.
Fourth -- Geneva's The Story program will soon have a Facebook page where you and your Facebook friends can join in a discussion. Dave Bunch will be setting that up within the next week or so. Watch for updates.
There are so many ways for you to participate in The Story. If you have any questions, ideas or suggestions, please contact me. If you would like to start your own small group, please let me know and I'll order materials for you. It's never to late to get started!
In Christ,
Cindy Thomas

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Geneva's New Adventure

Dear Saints:
It has been said that the Bible is the story of God and his people -- a story that is still being lived today by us. But understanding the Bible as a story -- particularly OUR story -- is often difficult. The Bible was written over a period of 20 centuries by dozens of writers in a time and culture with languages and customs far different from ours. Not only that, but it is arranged in such a way that the continuity of the grand story gets lost in smaller episodes. So we tend to read the Bible, not in the way we read a good novel or a riveting history, but in chunks, putting in here and there.
Max Lucado and Randy Frazee have sought to help us overcome these difficulties so we can understand the Bible as God's story and our story. They have created a whole-church curriculum that takes us through the Bible chronologically over a period of 31 weeks. The centerpiece of this program is a condensed, chronogically arranged version of the Bible. There is an age-appropriate version for everyone, from the youngest children through the oldest adult.
This coming fall, beginning on September 9th, and carrying us well into the spring of 2013, we will be engaging as a congregation in a grand adventure with this grand story. The program will include:
  • Distribution of copies of age-appropriate versions of The Story to everyone in the church -- children, youth and adults
  • Sunday services based on that week's chapter of The Story
  • Resources for individual, family and group devotions based on The Story
  • Forming small groups and home groups that will study The Story together
In worship this Sunday we will begin a series of announcements to help familiarize you with The Story. Then,following worship on August 12, we will have lunch together and you will have an opportunity to hear more about The Story from church staff and explore the many opportunities there will be for you to participate.
I am getting more excited every day about taking this journey with all of you. So please join us in worship for the next few Sundays and for lunch on August 12 and discover more about The Story.
In Christ,

Friday, August 3, 2012

The Story

This coming fall, beginning on September 9th we will be engaging as a congregation in a grand adventure with a program entitled The Story. The Story is a 31-week all-church curriculum, developed by Max Lucado and Randy Frazee that journeys through the story of God and His people (that’s US). The program will include:
·   Distribution of copies of age-appropriate versions of The Story, a condensed, version of the Bible arranged chronologically, to everyone in the church
·   Sunday services based on that week's chapter of The Story
·   Resources for individual, family and group devotions based on
The Story
·   Forming small groups and home groups that will study The Story together

Join us for lunch immediately after worship on Sunday, August 12 and learn more about The Story and the many ways you can participate

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Changes coming this fall!

Dear Saints,

Summer is almost here! We only have a few more weeks before we begin our summer worship schedule on May 27. Before summer schedules and vacations get started, I wanted to update you on a couple of important changes that will be happening in the fall.

Two years ago we changed our Sunday morning worship schedule to having services at 8:30 and 11:00 with an education hour for all ages between services. That change was made in response to requests made by many of Geneva’s parents. But over the course of these past two years, we have discovered that while the adult and youth classes have been mostly well attended, only a handful of children have been attending. In addition, feedback has indicated that many of you miss the extended fellowship time between services. In response, Session has decided to make some changes to our Sunday format. Starting on September 9th (the Sunday after Labor Day), we will have worship at 9:15 and 11:00 with programs for children during both services. Youth will meet for Breakfast Club and Food for Thought at one of those services. Watch for updates about what time that will be.

Our weekly educational programs will be moved from Sunday mornings to Sunday afternoons. We’ll gather for dinner at 5:30 and have programs for all ages following. I’ve been talking to Pastor Bell of Deeper Life Fellowship, the church that rents our sanctuary for worship on Sunday afternoons, about the possibility that the dinner could be a joint fellowship event for our churches. Midweek Advent and Lenten Dinner Series will continue to be held on Wednesday evenings during Advent and Lent.

The core of our educational programs next year, as well as our Sunday morning worship, will be The Story, a 30-week all-church curriculum put together by Max Lucado and Randy Frazee. The availability of records on the web has sparked a great interest in genealogy in recent years. Many folks have taken up the hobby of researching their historic roots. Learning about one’s biological lineage helps us to get a sense of our place in the world. How much more will deepening our understanding of our spiritual lineage help us get a sense of our place and purpose as members of God’s family!

We will be using the book, The Story, in which the text of the Bible has been abridged and rearranged chronologically. Looked at in this way, we’ll be able to get a more intimate sense of God’s ever-deepening relationship with the people he has formed, loved, called and claimed as His own. The curriculum includes videos, activities, worship themes, small group studies and more. Watch for more information about The Story over the summer.  If you’d like to learn more about The Story now, browse their web site at

I’m looking forward to journeying with you through our story as the people of God!  In the mean time, however, we have some wonderful opportunities coming up this summer. Beginning on May 27 our summer worship will be at 10:00, as usual, but we will also be having a time for classes for all ages at 9:00 on Sunday mornings. I will be leading a class entitled Evil: The Shadow Side of Reality and Cindy Thomas will lead a class entitled Christianity After ReligionFor more information about of these classes, check the Sunday Good News or This Week at Geneva.

I hope you will all have a blessed summer, and that you will take full advantage of these powerful opportunities!

In Christ,


Friday, May 11, 2012

Summer Educational Hour Classes begin June 3rd 9:00am

Evil: The Shadow Side of Realityled by Bryan Smith.
Have you ever wondered about evil?
Ever questioned where it comes from?
Ever been baffled about how a good, loving, pure God could allow it to exist?
Join us for this class as we look at the reality of evil, the devil and the Christian perspective. We’ll look at Evil in folklore and mythology as well as the role of Evil in the Old and New Testaments. We’ll be using the book Evil: The Shadow Side of Reality by John A. Sandford. Books cost $16.30 and are available at, or we can order one for you.

Christianity After Religion led by Cindy Thomas. At a time when there are fewer and fewer church members, there is also a great increase in the numbers of people searching for God and longing to connect with God.
There is great concern among Christians about why this is happening and what to do about it. Many ideas have been many solutions have been tried, but none seem to have a lasting impact. Join us as we explore the possibility that God is not calling the church to simply fix itself in these extraordinary times, but to a whole new paradigm of what it means to be Christian in today’s world.
We’ll use the book Christianity After Religion by Diana Butler Bass. Books cost $14.50 and are available at, or we can order one for you.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Sabbatical Meeting

Dear Geneva Family,
Last night about 25 people gathered at Geneva to reflect and brainstorm about how we can participate in Bryan's sabbatical in the summer of 2013. It was a blessing to hear stories, hopes, dreams and ideas about Geneva, what our faith community means to us, and where sense God leading us in the future. We would love to have YOU be part of the conversation as well.
We will be combining the meeting that had been scheduled for Saturday morning with the on that will be held on Sunday afternoon, April 15, following the 11:00 service. (No meeting on Saturday) Please stay for awhile after church so you can share your ideas with us -- or, in the case of those of you who come at 8:30, please consider coming back for the meeting.
Lunch will be served, so it is important that we know whether you are coming or not. If you haven't already signed up for Sunday's meeting, please either reply to this email or call the church office at 734-459-0013.
During the meeting we will be discussing the following quesions. You may like to give them some thought before Sunday.
1. As you think about Bryan being on sabbatical, what thoughts, emotions, questions, concerns do you have?
2. As you think about where Geneva has been, what aspect of our life and ministry do you think God wants to deepen and develop?
3. If Geneva were to be faithful to that call, how would it be different five years from now than it is today?
If you can't come to the meeting, you are welcome to think through those questions and respond by replying to this email or contacting any of the Sabbatical Team Members, who are Brian Anderson, Linda Stover, Dave Bunch, Louise Schneid, Keith McBain, and me, Cindy Thomas.
I hope to see all of you here at 12:30 on Sunday!
Grace and peace,
Cindy Thomas

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Interfaith Community Outreach Health Fair

ICO, consisting of Geneva, Christ the Good Shepherd Church, Canton Hindu Temple, Singh Sabha Gudwara of Michigan, St. Thomas a’ Becket Church, and Muslim Community of Western Suburbs, unites together in community outreach programs.

One of ICO’s commitments is helping our community lead productive, healthier lives. The first community health fair will be held at Geneva on Saturday, April 21st from 8am – 2pm. Come and get health screenings and attend informational sessions on nutrition, yoga, working with your insurance and many other great sessions.

The health fair is a terrific way for community citizens to get free screening services and learn about health care issues in a relaxed and supportive environment. Register for the health fair at, or use the registration form in the Sunday Good News.

Monday, March 26, 2012

What makes your hear sing?

Dear Saints,
Our denomination, the Presbyterian Church (USA), highly recommends that pastors have a sabbatical every seven years. It's hard to believe, but next summer it will be seven years since my last sabbatical!
The purpose of a sabbatical is for the pastor and congregation to take an extended period of time, usually 14-16 weeks, on separate but parallel paths so they can come together with renewed vision, passion and energy for their future life and ministry together. For such a sabbatical to be successful, both the pastor and the congregation need to spend a considerable amount of time pondering, reflecting and planning together. The time for us to start is now.
As part of our preparation, I will be submitting an application to the Lilly Foundation for a grant to help fund our sabbatical for the summer of 2013. The Lilly Foundation offers a limited number of grants of up to $50,000, $15,000 of which may be used by the congregation for their programs and development during the pastor's absence. The application has sections that need to be submitted both by the pastor and by representatives of the congregation. I have formed a team, consisting of myself, Linda Stover, Brian Anderson, Keith McBain, Dave Bunch, Cindy Thomas and Louise Schneid, to help write the application and plan the congregation's sabbatical experience.
Both the planning time and the sabbatical itself present us with a wonderful opportunity to take stock of where we are as a family of faith and to seek God's guidance about where he is leading us into the future. Your input is greatly desired and needed! We have set up three opportunities for you and I to get together and explore ideas, hopes and dreams for our life together. The dates and times are as follows.
· Wednesday, April 11th, dinner at 6, meeting from about 6:30 – 8pm
· Saturday, April 14th, 9 – 10:30am
· Sunday, April 15th, lunch at 12:30, meeting from about 1:00 – 2:30
There will be sign-ups for the meetings in the Sunday Good News beginning this Sunday, or you may call the church office to let us know you are coming.
One of the questions pastors are asked to ponder as they plan their sabbatical is, "What makes your heart sing?" I invite you to think about that as you prepare for these meetings. What makes the heart of Geneva sing? What are we doing when we feel like we are right in the middle of the purpose God called us to fulfill?
I am excited about the prospect of having a sabbatical next year. I am equally excited about the experience of planning our journey together into the sabbatical and beyond. I remember my last sabbatical with great fondness, not only for what it did for me, but for the pride I felt in all of you as you stepped up to the plate in ministry together while I was away. We've grown a lot since then as a family of faith, and I am confident that God will be able to accomplish even greater things this time around. So please join me as we begin the process of launching this wonderful experience together.

In Christ,


Keith McBain

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Maundy Thursday Seder Meal, April 5, 6:00pm

On Thursday, April 1st  we will celebrate the meal Jesus shared with is disciples on the night he was arrested. This ancient Jewish tradition commemorates God’s act of delivering his people from slavery in Egypt. Come join us for this meal, now celebrated by Christians as the Lord’s Supper. 

This meal is for all ages. Please feel free to invite friends. If you are able, a donation of $3 for adults and $1.50 for children, with a family maximum of $15 would be appreciated. Please contact the church so we will know how many people to prepare.

 We invite you to contribute to the festive atmosphere by setting the table with your best dinnerware. Bring dishes, glasses, flatware, napkins, candlesticks – whatever you would use for a special celebration with your family. Doors will open at 5:30, so please have your table set before 5:45 so we can begin the Seder promptly at 6pm. We will have dinnerware here for those who do not want to bring their own.

Your help is needed! This is a family event, and as such a lot of hands are needed in preparation. Kay Sousa will be overseeing the preparations, and is in need of help with set-up, shopping, cooking, serving and clean-up.

Monday, February 27, 2012

This Week at Geneva

Pray for our missions and missionaries: One Great Hour of Sharing
Since 1949 Presbyterians have joined with millions of other Christians through One Great Hour of Sharing to share God's love with people experiencing need. Our gifts support ministries of disaster response, refugee assistance and resettlement, and community development that help people find safe refuge, start new lives and work together to strengthen their families and communities. The Presbyterian Hunger Program receives 36 percent of undesignated gifts, while Self-Development of People and Presbyterian Disaster Assistance each receives 32 percent. Geneva participates in One Great Hour of Sharing every year, with an emphasis during Lent and an offering received on Palm Sunday. Watch for bulletin inserts and announcements in the upcoming weeks. For more information about One Great Hour of Sharing, visit their web site at
Prayer Chain
If you have any requests for our Prayer Chain, please email them to If you do not have access to email, you may phone your requests to our Prayer Chain Coordinator, Kurt Cross, at 313-532-3984, or to the church office at 734-459-0013.
Here’s What’s Happening at Geneva
You may sign up for any of the following programs by replying to this e-mail or contacting the person listed in the announcement or by phoning the church office at 734-459-0013. Access the updated Geneva activity calendar anytime by logging onto the Geneva web site at and clicking on the “calendar” button.
Women’s Bible Study: Please Note
The Women’s Bible Study WILL be meeting this Thursday, March 1. We will not be meeting next Thursday, March 8th.
Reaching Out
Bottles and Cans for Missions
We are still collecting bottle and can deposit receipts to augment our mission budget. Place your receipts in the offering plate and a Missions Team member will redeem them.
Just Coffee
Coffee orders will be placed on the third Tuesday of each month. Send your order to Tom at (, or to Cindy Thomas at the church or check the sign-up in the Sunday Good News. 
Lenten Dinner Series
Forgiveness: The Way of the Cross
For followers of Jesus, Lent is arguably the most powerful season of the year. It is the time, if we take it seriously, that we follow Jesus to the cross, not only with our minds, but with our whole being.  It is at this cross that Jesus, as he was dying, forgave those who were putting him to death. It has been said that we are never more like Christ than when we authentically forgive. But the concept of forgiveness is often both misunderstood and misused. Rightly understood and practiced, forgiveness is healing, freeing and life-giving. Join us on Wednesdays, March 7, 14, 21 and 28 as we dive deeply into what it means to forgive, and how we can follow Christ into this most powerful of Christian practices. Dinner is served at 6:00 with  age-appropriate programs for everyone following from 6:30 – 7:30. Suggested donation for dinner is $4 for adults and $1.50 for children 10 and under.
Women’s Retreat
The annual Presbytery of Detroit women’s retreat, Tenders of the Flame, will be held on Saturday, March 10 at Orchard Lake Community Church. Keynote speaker will be The Rev. Kellie Whitlock. Come, bring your sisters, daughters, mothers and friends, to enjoy a day of spiritual renewal and fellowship. You will hear about and participate in activities that will help nourish your flame to serve your community and beyond. Cost is $30 per person and includes lunch. Advance registration by March 2 is highly encouraged. Questions? Contact Carol Froling at 248-683-9439 For registration forms, contact the church office at 734-459-0013 or
You’re Invited to
A Night Out
Our annual 'A Night Out' fundraising dinner and auction to benefit the youth mission trips will be held on Saturday, March 24, 2012. Please join us for an enjoyable evening of dining and entertainment.  The evening will start with hors d'oeuvres and the silent auction at 5:30. Dinner will begin around 6:30, with entertainment following. Tickets ($22) for this event will be available beginning Sunday, March 4 and will be limited to the first 100 people. 
Support Our Youth
Donations Needed!
Our annual 'A Night Out' fundraising dinner and auction to benefit the youth mission trips will be held on Saturday, March 24, 2012. Please join us for an enjoyable evening of dining and entertainment.  The evening will start with hors d'oeuvres and the silent auction at 5:30. Dinner will begin around 6:30, with entertainment following. Tickets ($22) for this event will be available beginning Sunday, March 4 and be limited to the first 100 people. 
New Member Class
A New Member Class will be held Friday, March 9th from 6-9pm and Saturday, March 10th from 9am – 2pm. This class is designed for those who are deciding whether to make Geneva their church home. We will share a meal together (dinner on Friday and lunch on Saturday) and acquaint you with an overview of the Christian faith, the Reformed Tradition, the Presbyterian Church, the history of Geneva, and what it means to be a member. Child care will be provided.You may contact Membership Elder Cindy Foley at 734-259-8203with any questions. 
Already a member? We need your help. Please consider sharing your favorite dish or providing childcare, cleanup, or join the meal with us to meet new friends.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Youth Auction and Fundraising Dinner

On Saturday, March 24, Geneva Church will be transformed into an elegant eatery as the youth of our church treat you to a fabulous evening to raise funds for their summer mission trips. The youth will serve diners at their table, provide first-class entertainment, check your coat, and more during this “A Night Out “ dinner and auction.

Before and after dinner, guests can bid on their choice of auction items ranging from services, to gift cards, to baskets full of goodies. Like last year, items will be available for bidding the Sunday before the event, (March 18) and we will have a bidding-by-proxy number for those of you who can’t attend but who would still like to support the youth.  A limited number of tickets (100) will be available for $22 beginning Sunday, March 4.

Please consider making a donation to help our auction be successful. The more auction items we have, the more fun the night will be! Donating an auction item or two will help 15 youth serve those less fortunate on their week-long mission trip this summer. Concert or theater tickets, sports events tickets, restaurant certificates, hand made items, local services, art, games, toys or other miscellaneous new items are greatly appreciated. Use your imagination! Donors will be recognized in our auction catalogue (also available online.) Donations must be received by Wednesday, March 7. Thank you in advance for supporting our youth. 

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Super Bowl Sub Sale

The Senior High Youth will be assembling and selling submarine sandwiches for the Big Game. All proceeds will be used to support the 2012 Senior High Mission Trip to Washington, DC. Subs will only be sold through pre-order. Order now and they will be ready to pick up on Super Bowl Sunday, February 5th after both services.

Prices are:
Turkey and Cheese – $6 each;
Ham and Cheese – $6 each;
Veggie and cheese $5;
Super Italian – $7 each.

Thank you for your support of our youth missions!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Thank you for your Donations

We almost filled a 24 foot truck with donations of clothing, blankets and toiletries for the Open Door Ministry at Fort Street Presbyterian Church. Thank you for your generous donations and thanks to Keith, Beth and Marilyn McBain; Mark and Lauren Arquette; Glenn Hunter; Dan and Madelyn Degener; Joshua Doering; Louie Stark; Amanda Glass; Christy, Caitlin, Alex and Daniel Marchand; and Ian Glodich for helping today!

Check out the pic's here

Friday, January 13, 2012

January Geneva Gems

The January Geneva Gems has been posted on the web site and can be accessed by following this link

Friday, January 6, 2012

New Facebook Page

In an effort to better serve you and reduce redundancy we are migrating to the new Geneva Presbyterian Church Facebook page. Please visit our page at and 'LIKE' us.