I hope you were all blessed by our launch of The Story on Sunday. I am looking forward to seeing what God has in store for us as we continue this journey together for the next 30 weeks.
I wanted to update you on a couple of new ways you can participate in The Story. First of all, the various small groups are up and running. All of them have had or will be having their first meeting sometime this week. There is always room for more people, so if you have not joined a group yet, you may do so at anytime dring the program.
Second -- invite friends! Invite them to the Sunday night program. Invite them to one of the weekday small groups. Invite them to worship with us on Sunday mornings. This is a wonderful way to introduce your friends to the story of God and help them find their place in it.
Third -- Check out the new The Story link on the Geneva web site at genevachurch.org. Go to thewww.genevachurch.org and click on the upper left tab called The Story. Or, you can get there from The Story center at the bottom of the page. Once there, you will find a player, where you have options to click WATCH, LISTEN and RESOURCES.
** At this point you can WATCH the youth video. Adults, you might like it too. It's great!
** You can LISTEN to Bryan's message from the Sunday before.
** You can download a personal devotion guide under RESOURCES.
Each Sunday night the site will be updated with a new youth video and the mp3 message from that day's worship service. The previous week's information will still be there as well.
Each Sunday night the site will be updated with a new youth video and the mp3 message from that day's worship service. The previous week's information will still be there as well.
Fourth -- Geneva's The Story program will soon have a Facebook page where you and your Facebook friends can join in a discussion. Dave Bunch will be setting that up within the next week or so. Watch for updates.
There are so many ways for you to participate in The Story. If you have any questions, ideas or suggestions, please contact me. If you would like to start your own small group, please let me know and I'll order materials for you. It's never to late to get started!
In Christ,
Cindy Thomas