Saturday, March 7, 2009

worship preview

Dear Saints:
In his radio address today, President Obama remarked that the challenge we face as a nation is "to discover great opportunity in the midst of great crisis." One of my hopes is that each Sunday in worship, we get a taste of what the president is talking about. I sincerely believe that in this time of economic upheaval, God is fervently at work helping us to discover the many great opportunities we have to build our lives more firmly upon His wisdom and love.
This Sunday, we will continue to look for the divine opportunities that are ours for the taking. We will look specifically at the opportunities connected with the use of our financial resources. While the nation is awash with financial discussion, so much of the converation misses out on the deeper dimensions of this topic that are crucial if we are to live as God intentds.
To prepare for Sunday, please read Proverbs 30:7-9 and I Timothy 6:17-19. As you read these passages, you might ask, "How do these Scriptures view money and wealth? What are they telling me about the dangers and the possibilities that wealth brings? What kind of change in perspective do these passages encourage me to have about money? "
I look forward to worshiping with you tomorrow.
In Christ,

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