Thursday, July 23, 2009

worship preview for Saturday and Sunday

In his Press Conference last night, President Obama acknowledged that many people remain skeptical of his national health plan.  His hope last night was to speak to the nation in a way that addressed the concerns, answered some questions, and reduced some of the skepticism swirling around his proposal. 
This Sunday we will meet someone who was skeptical of an even larger plan.  The skeptic wasn't an insurer, a health care provider, or a patient, but a prophet.  In 1 Kings 19, this prophet, named Elijah, expresses skepticism over the viability of what might be called "God's national faith plan."  This plan was put in place on Mt. Sinai in the book of Exodus when God promised Israel He would be their God and they pledged to be His people.  The law was then given to Moses and the people promised to honor and worship God.  300 years later, Elijah looks around and sees only evidence that this plan has failed.
In our worship, we will again put ourselves in Elijah's shoes to explore the similarities between what he experienced then and what so many people are experiencing today.  In his disillusionment, fatigue, and hopelessness, Elijah embodies the struggle that many of us find ourselves in.  Reflecting on what Elijah was feeling and how God responded can give us insight, strength, and hope for our own struggles.
Please read I Kings 19:9-8 and ask yourself:  why do you think God asked Elijah the question he did?  what does Elijah's answer tell us about Elijah?  why does God respond the way he does with the wind, earthquake, and fire?  what is the significance of God speaking in the still whisper?  Can you think of times when you sensed God speaking to you in a similar way?  Why is hearing God in this way so difficult? 
Please also be in prayer for our gatherings both on Saturday at 5:30 pm and Sunday morning at 10 am.
In Christ,

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