Dear Geneva Family,
This Sunday we are pleased to welcome The Rev. Mark Adams who will be our guest preacher. Rev. Adams is a mission co-worker with the Presbyterian Border Ministries in Agua Prieta, Mexico. He will be preaching a message entitled, Putting Flesh on God's Good News. In preparation for worship, please read Isaiah 61:1-4 and John 1:1-14, and ponder these questions:
What does it mean to you that the "Word became flesh"?
In what ways is that good news?
How has the Word become flesh in your life personally?
What would it mean for the Word to become flesh, not only to you and in you, but also through you?
Also, in preparpation to make it to church at the right time, please remember that it's time to Fall Back! Daylight Savings Time ends at 2am on Sunday morning, so set your clocks back one hour before you go to bed on Saturday night.
Grace and peace,
Cindy Thomas
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