Friday, December 11, 2009

worship preview

One of the things I've noticed about Michigan living is that sunny days never get taken for granted.  The year my family moved to Michigan from southern California the sun came out three days in the month of November.  I remember thinking, "I'm not going to make it if this continues.  I need a break from the gloomy weather." 

I think that same reasoning was behind the decision of Church leaders to make the third Sunday in Advent the Joy Sunday.  Advent is a time for introspection and repentance, a time to do some internal housecleaning to prepare for the birth of Christ.  Such work is necesary, but hard.  Spiritual weariness can set in.  And so it was decided to insert this Sunday of joy to refresh us as we move toward Christmas.
This Sunday, we will take a look at this reality called joy.  And we'll do so by pondering a couple of Scriptures:  Luke 1:46-55 and Matthew 1:18-25. In the first passage, Mary rejoices at the news of her pregancy.  As you read through this passage, identify the reasons Mary gives for being so joyful.  While rejoicing at her news, Mary also makes it clear that some folks won't find the arrival of Christ to be a joyful occasion.  Which folks does she mention ?  In the Matthew passage, Joseph also is being invited into the joy of Christ's birth, but his reaction seems less joyful than Mary's.  Why is that the case?  What issues does Joseph wrestle with?  Although joy isn't implicitly stated in this passage, where might it be present in the story? 
I would encourage you to think through these questions as well:  is there a difference between having fun and having joy?  Between being happy and being joyful?  What are the differences?  Where does Jesus fit into the notion of joy? 
Please be in prayer as we approach this Sunday.  May it be a time of growing closer to God in Christ and experiencing the joy that He offers.

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