Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Senior High Mission Day 1

Hi All,

Yesterday was our first work day, and we had a good start. Half of our team spent the day with kids'club, a day program for the youth in the area. There was a very low turnout (only 6 kids the whole day) and they are suspecting that July 4th recognized on Monday may have prompted parents at home to keep their kids with them. Please pray for more kids for them to work with. This morning they will be visiting a nursing home. Last night in group, we discussed the fears associated with talking to new people and not being sure what to say. We prayed to be God's voice and ears for these people today. 

The other part of the group got to do some good sweating!  We painted a field house, and raked rocks off a baseball diamond. The park we were at was devastated by a flood last spring, and they are lacking the funds to fix it. It was a hot day, but we were visited by a man named Charlie who shared some stories about where we werre working. The land here is 85 percent owned by corporate coal companies, and very little money flows back to the people. There is also some timber industry.  Other than those 2 industries, Charlie said welfare is the biggest source of income. It is a beautiful area surrounded by mountains and trees, and we are often reminded of God's creativity in His creation!

  Blessings to you all! 

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