Monday, November 7, 2011

New Adult Education Opportunities

Wednesday Night, November 9 – Beads, Icons and Gestures. These things might things sound foreign to you, but they are well known aides and/or practices in other Christian traditions.  Come on Wednesday, November 9 at 7:00pm to learn about the history and background of these practices as well as have an opportunity to assemble prayer beads to enhance your own spiritual practice of prayer. 
Sunday Mornings: A Grace Disguised, led by Pastor Bryan Smith. How we or our loved ones experience loss can have a profound impact on all of life. This class is for everyone who has experienced any kind of loss, whether through illness, divorce, the loss of someone we love, aging, the loss of our life’s hopes and dreams, or anything else.

It’s also for anyone who knows someone who has experienced such a loss. That’s just about all of us! Join us for this class and discover how loss itself can be a doorway to experiencing God’s grace in new ways, and a doorway to becoming a channel of God’s grace to others.

We will be using Jerry’s Sittser’s book, A Grace Disguised as a resource. The class will begin on Sunday, November 20 during our education hour (9:45 – 10:45). Books cost $9.

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