Friday, June 27, 2014

Hands and Feet

In my few days here in Kenya, as I’ve been walking alongside the Tree of Lives staff,  I’ve  witnessed the “hands and feet” of Christ in action.  From our group conversation with Michael, Director of Holy Family Clinic, I saw his pride and joy of sharing that a large percentage of HIV+ mothers delivered HIV- babies.  This pride and passion continues with Mary and Eric, Social Workers, who go daily to visit clients in their villages.  I was privileged to walk along with both on a day’s visits.  They go to build relationships, monitor adherence to a strict time table for the medicine’s needed to combat HIV and gently prod them along if needed.  Some clients are succeeding and living a healthy life while others are struggling.   During one visit a client asked if we could provide funds for surgery. I knew this was to be a pilgrimage of pain and hope and I left with a broken heart. She did accept our gift of prayer.  The next visit was one of hope, a mother who is healthy and a son who deeply loves her.  He said he now loves his mom because he knows God and because of this knowledge he wants to be a minister.

Posted on the door of Mary Ann’s office, who is the Leader of the Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission Program, is this vision statement:  a world in which babies are not infected with HIV/AIDS and where mothers with HIV/AIDS live long and healthy lives, caring for their families and having hope for the future. She is passionate in bringing vision to mothers because she is a healthy mother caring for a 5 year old son.  Her love bounces off the walls!

As I began rounds with Linet, Pastoral Care Counselor at Nazareth Hospital, we entered the TB ward .  My mind was racing and I was thinking “I don’t really want to be in here (we later learned that they were on meds and not contagious).  Then a nudge to my brain said, “you are being prayed for by a multitude of people, don’t worry.”  Linet has an enormous and compassionate heart that empowers her loving hands.  She brings comfort, counsel and listening ears to those who need it.  We visited with Margaret, who will be going to hospice.  We listened as she shared about her family, her business, and prayed with her.  We were deeply touched when she prayed for us.  She was grateful for our visit and warmly sent us off with a God Bless You!  Pain and Hope rolled into one person.
Vinton, Pastoral Care Counselor, also a person with a compassionate and enormous heart, spent the evening sharing with us about Kenya and its people.  We learned about the tribes, customs and other interesting facts about his country.

Each morning I’ve been greeted by small talk and laughter from Beatrice and Lucy. These two friends work side-by-side to make our time here more meaningful. Their hands keep our sanctuary organized, cleaned and stocked with food. What a joy it is to have their laughter in this place.
Ruth, Director of Joy Village, oozes love for the children under her care.  My sense is that she would have every sick and hurting child in this world at Joy Village if space and money weren’t factors. She is continually seeking ways to bring healing, hope and joy to these children.
“Christ has no body now but yours. No hands, no feet on earth but yours. Yours are the eyes through which he looks compassion on this world.  Yours are the feet with which he walks on earth to do good. Yours are the hands with which he blesses all the world.”   -Teresa of Avila

I know this to be true here in this place called Kenya.

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