Sunday, June 15, 2014

Kenya Mission (Pilgrimage)

On June 21 rst six Geneva members will board a plane for approximately 20 hours of travel headed for Nairobi, Kenya. We will be met by our host from the Tree of Lives ,an organization founded by First Presbyterian Church of Norfolk, that has been working in Kenya since 2001.

As part of our preparation we were given a "Mission Handbook" from the Tree of Lives an in that book the following advice is given.
"We encourage visitors to consider their trip a pilgrimage. Every experience, interaction, or roadblock we encounter provides a grace-filled opportunity to respond with loving obedience to the gospel. Please come to Kenya as pilgrims, not as tourist; as listeners, not as teachers: as givers, not receivers: as listeners, not talkers"
We invite you to follow our adventure here, and pray that our experience will encourage our readers to listen more closely to the human need in our own community.

The Kenya pilgrim team covets your prayers: Bryan Smith, Lisa Degroot, Dawn Christensen, Carol Lewis, Beth McBain, Keith McBain

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