Tuesday, July 20, 2010

This Week at Geneva

Pray for our Missions and Missionaries
The Fort Street Presbyterian Church Open Door Ministry has had the privilege of serving the Poor and Homeless in Downtown Detroit for over 35 years! Every Thursday we open our doors to serve a hearty meal to over 400 people who are homeless or cannot afford food. Also, each person leaves with sandwiches for later in the day. During the last year, 21,000 meals were served to homeless and poor people. In addition, clothing, showers, medical services, and haircuts are available. A social worker provides counseling for assistance benefits. Job postings are made available in the local area. Read more about Open Door on their web site athttp://www.fortstreet.org/Open%20Door/overview.html.

Prayer Chain
If you have any requests for our Prayer Chain, please email them to prayerchain@genevachurch.org. If you do not have access to email, you may phone your requests to our Prayer Chain Coordinator, Kurt Cross, at 313-532-3984, or to the church office at 734-459-0013.

Here’s What’s Happening at Geneva

You may sign up for any of the following programs by replying to this e-mail or contacting the person listed in the announcement or by phoning the church office at 734-459-0013. Access the updated Geneva activity calendar anytime by logging onto the Geneva web site at genevachurch.org and clicking on the “calendar” button.

Blood Drive
The next Geneva-St. Michael’s blood drive will be held at Geneva on Monday, July 26 from 2:30 – 8:00 pm. Please make your appointment by contacting Blood Drive Coordinator Kay Sousa at 734-772-2990.

Quilts for the Homeless
ATTENTION ALL PEOPLE WHO SEW!  Anyone interested in sewing a quilt (it's easy) please contact Charlene @ 734-981-3053. Sewing can be done at home or at church.
Tues July 20th, Quilt tying, 1pm to 4:30pm with Grace Morgan. Come as you can. No supplies needed.
Wed July 21st – Collating, 1pm-3:30pm and 6 pm - 8 pm. with Charlene, Grace, and Cheryl.
 Wed July 28th – Collating & tying, 6:30pm to 8:30 pm with Charlene and Grace.
Wed Aug 4th, Quilting continues, 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm with Charlene and Cheryl.

Intergenerational Outreach/Mission Day – ALL AGES INVITED
The Wayne County Family Center on Michigan Avenue in Wayne is the site of our next intergenerational outreach/mission day. Saturday, July 24th, from 10am -- ??pm we will join with the residents of the WCFC for a few hours of work, sharing, a meal, and fun. The families may include children of all ages from infants through teenagers.
·         10am – Time to repair some old and build some new picnic tables, repair the basketball area, and do some general playground improvement/clean-up (you will be contacted about tools needed.
·         12pm -- ?? – Time for a picnic with burgers and dogs on the grill (provided by the Local Mission Team) and a potluck of whatever sides and desserts everyone wants to bring. Outdoor activities and games for all ages and abilities will follow the picnic. Please bring donations of new and/or gently used outdoor games/toys to use and leave. Come for any or all of the day! If you can’t come at all, donations of outdoor games/toys are needed and will be collected at Geneva from July 4 through July 22.
Contact Dawn Christenson, Local Mission Elder at 734-397-1484.

Mission to the USA – MUSA
Geneva has been selected to participate in this year’s Synod of the Covenant’s Mission to the USA Program, September 29 – October 27. You may remember our participation in this program previously when Nikolai Devyatkin was the missionary/visiting pastor from Russia.  This year’s missionaries are from the Middle East.  We will be welcoming the Reverend Afshar Beshay, senior pastor of Maadi Evangelical Church Cairo, Egypt.  Ashfar’s church is a Presbyterian church of the Synod of the Nile. We will be sharing more information in the next few weeks and asking for your assistance so that everyone will have an opportunity to learn from and share hospitality with Ashfar during his time with us. 

Toddler Care assistance needed for the summer worship schedule
Adult and youth assistants are needed to watch over our little ones in the toddler room during worship this summer.  Sign up for a week(s) on the bulletin board across from the sanctuary. A Ministry with Minors application is required for adults, contact Cindy Revezzo or Meg Wilson if you need an application. 

Just Coffee order
We will be ordering Just Coffee again this month to be delivered on Sunday, August 1. Orders must be received by July 20. There will be some extra coffee ordered, but if you want to make sure you get what you want, please place your order on the sign-up in the Sunday bulletin or contact Barb Fichtenberg at 734-981-4205. Due to an increase in shipping costs (50 cents per lb.), a pound of regular coffee is now $9 and a pound of decaf is $10.

An Amazing Opportunity
Michigan Roundtable is honored and truly excited to offer this opportunity for open and honest dialogue on stories of racial healing. On Friday, July 30 at 7pm, authors Plyllis A. and Eugene F. Unterschuetz will be offering a live reading of their book, Longing: Stories of Racial Healing followed by dialogue. Longing is a white couple's personal account of a journey that pulled them out of their comfortable notions about race and into the lives of people of African descent, where they faced their greatest challenge---their own racial conditioning. Please bring guests. The reading is open to the public.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Senior High Mission Day 3

Hello Family,

Day 3 was another hot day in W Virginia! There is not a whole lot different to report work-wise, as the groups are consistently doing the same thing each day. Every night our group meets in a private room to check in on each other, share stories, and prepare for the next day. Last night it was clear that Wednesday was the hardest day yet. The realities of altered sleep, rigorous schedule, many new experiences, and intense closeness with such a large group tends to make things tough in my experience.

Our youth are -as usual- representing God and our church very well. I believe they are learning more and more how challenging deep discipleship can be. They are seeing how having to choose between what God is calling us to and what we would REALLY like to do are often at odds. They get to see how caring for strangers is sometimes easier than caring for each other.

Please pray for us as today is our final workday, and we say goodbye to the people of WV. As you will hear on Sunday, our kids have been impacted by this community.


Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Senior High Mission - Pictures

Amanda having lunch


Jam Session! Raking Rocks on the ball field.

Senior High Mission Day 2

We had quite a day on Tuesday. Kids club had a much greater turnout, with 12 kids. Our kids told great stories last night about the connections they made. They spent the morning at a nursing home, just spending time being with the elderly. It is the type of ministry that can be intimidating at first, but I think our group stretched their limits to be God's ears and mouths to these people.

The rest of us continued rehabbing a park. We raked more rocks from the ball diamonds and they are looking pretty smooth! We also painted the field house some more and cleaned it up. Tobi and I fixed some broken benches and picnic tables, cutting out the broken wood planks and replacing them with new wood. It was a sweaty day, but I hear y'all are having that too!

At the end of our work day, 2 brothers who have grown up in Mingo County sat us down and told us of the history here. It was sad to hear some of the history, and the future in their words, is "bleak". They concluded their talk thanking all of us for coming, and they were in tears at that point. As they thanked us for coming here "to work for free", it occurred to me that this is how God works. I think he smiles when we act on our faith. I think we were created to be with and help each other here on earth.

Please pray for us again today as we hit the spot where the week starts getting mentally and physically tough. Tonight we are going to worship, which should be a source of renewal.


Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Senior High Mission Trip - Blue Grass Concert!

A night out at the bluegrass concert! Lots of sweat and fun!
Steven getting his blue grass groove on!

Blue Grass ! What Fun!


Senior High Mission Day 1

Hi All,

Yesterday was our first work day, and we had a good start. Half of our team spent the day with kids'club, a day program for the youth in the area. There was a very low turnout (only 6 kids the whole day) and they are suspecting that July 4th recognized on Monday may have prompted parents at home to keep their kids with them. Please pray for more kids for them to work with. This morning they will be visiting a nursing home. Last night in group, we discussed the fears associated with talking to new people and not being sure what to say. We prayed to be God's voice and ears for these people today. 

The other part of the group got to do some good sweating!  We painted a field house, and raked rocks off a baseball diamond. The park we were at was devastated by a flood last spring, and they are lacking the funds to fix it. It was a hot day, but we were visited by a man named Charlie who shared some stories about where we werre working. The land here is 85 percent owned by corporate coal companies, and very little money flows back to the people. There is also some timber industry.  Other than those 2 industries, Charlie said welfare is the biggest source of income. It is a beautiful area surrounded by mountains and trees, and we are often reminded of God's creativity in His creation!

  Blessings to you all! 

Monday, July 5, 2010

Senior High Mission Update

Greetings Geneva Family!
We arrived last night around 4:45 pm in Williamson, WV. It was a pretty easy drive- not much traffic and the GPS got us here safely. We lucked out a little when we contacted Matthew Adedeji and realized that although we were coming from drastically different directions, we were about to converge on the same road about 80 miles from our final destinaiton! So we met them at a gas station and picked Tobi up- saving Matthew at least 2 hours of driving. It was a God moment that we could never have planned better! We arrived to meet our fellow missionaries, churches from Minnesota,Pennsylvania, Ohio, and South Dakota. We had dinner, got familiar with the site, and worshipped before hitting bed @ 11:15. It was a long day and bed was welcome- it was very quiet except for a loud snorer! We had our group together last night to hear their concerns and expectations for the upcoming week- from what I heard- we are ready for the challenges! Please pray for all of us as it will be hot and challenging. Half the group will be doing kids' club on Monday and wed. , while visiting a retirement home on tues and thurs. The other half will be doing construction, painting, and some landscaping. I will keep you all posted.

May God Bless all our efforts here and at home this week!
