Sunday, July 31, 2011

Vacation Bible School is back! August 22-25

Camp Geneva will be from Monday-Thursday 9:30-noon

It is for children ages 4 years up to incoming 6th graders. Invite your neighbors and your friends to join in the fun! Each day will include faith and fun with a special focus on different camp activities.

There is a separate program for incoming 5th and 6th graders. On Wednesday night all families will be invited to toast s-mores and enjoy an evening at camp. Thursday there will be an awesome wildlife program!

Registration forms are at the church.

For more information contact: Meg Wilson, Director of Children’s Ministry

Middle School Mission Trip

Middle School Mission Updates
Follow along the journey with our middle school missionaries in Sault Ste Marie this week by reading the middle school blog. Nancy will try to update the blog each evening and include pictures. We'd love you to comment after each post.  You can access the blog, at Mid High Blog