Friday, May 1, 2009

worship preview

Another week, another global calamity to deal with.  First our economy got sick, now a swine flu might sweep the world!  What challenging times God has placed us in!  It seems just as our country is moving more and more into a post- Christian age, the need for a deep faith in God has never been greater. 
This Sunday in worship we will ponder a pandemic of a different sort, one that has been infinitely more devastating than whatever transpires in our current crisis.  In Romans 1:20-2:4, the apostle Paul surveys human history and narrates the calamity caused by humanity's rejection of God.  He lists the symptoms of this spiritual disease and makes it clear that we all have it!  Having taken time to lay out the bad news we face, he then lays out the gracious gift of healing and hope we've been given in Romans 3:22-23.
As we prepare for worship, I would encourage you to read these passages carefully and prayerfully.  You might also ponder these questions:  Where in your own life have you experienced a "futile mind" or "darkened heart"?   Which of the symptoms that Paul lists are ones that get expressed in your life?  Why do you think Paul goes to such lengths to paint such a bleak view of life apart from God?  In what ways is your faith in Christ impacting your heart and mind?
Please pray for our service as we join together to celebrate the great gift we have received through Christ. 
In Christ,

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