Thursday, March 4, 2010

worship preview--3/7/10

The Academy Awards presentation will take place this Sunday night.  In preparation, movie critics are releasing their views of who should walk away with an Oscar. 
While not a professional film reviewer, I do enjoy going to the movies and seeing an inspired performance.  But even the most talented and well trained actor or actress can be hamstrung by a poor script or inept plot.  An actor can only bring to life the role that has been created for him or her. 
As we approach the second Sunday in Lent, we will continue looking at a time in Jesus' life when he is pondering which script he will follow in his role as Messiah.  Luke narrates for us in the beginning of his fourth chapter how Jesus takes a long and careful look at three possible scripts.  In worship, we will take a look at the second script given to him (Luke 4:5-9--which is included below.)  We'll ponder why this was a tempting offer for Jesus and how it continues to be an attractive script for us as well.   My hope is that we will emerge from our encounter with God's word in a way that deepens our understanding and appreciation of the script Jesus chose to follow and how this script is offered today to each one of us.  My prayer is that God would deepen our commitment to live out the role of "Christian" according to the example Jesus gave us.
To prepare for worship, I would encourage you to read the passage in Luke and to think about these questions:  Why was this offer so tempting to Jesus?  Why does he decide to say "no"?  In saying "no" to this temptation, what is he saying "yes" to?  In what ways do you experience the same temptation Jesus faced?  What is its appeal to you?  In contrast to the script offered by the devil, what script does God offer to us as followers of Christ? 
We will also be sharing the Lord's Supper together this Sunday so come prepared to receive God's mercy, grace, and love and to offer yourself to the Lord with gratitude and devotion.
                                                                                   Luke 4:5-8
5The devil led him up to a high place and showed him in an instant all the kingdoms of the world. 6And he said to him, "I will give you all their authority and splendor, for it has been given to me, and I can give it to anyone I want to. 7So if you worship me, it will all be yours."

 8Jesus answered, "It is written: 'Worship the Lord your God and serve him only


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