Saturday, October 24, 2009

worship preview

Dear Saints:
This coming Saturday, Halloween arrives and people of all ages will put on masks and costumes for an evening of fun. As soon as the trick-or-treating and the parties end, the masks will come off and be stored away. Masks like the ones worn on Halloween are put on and taken off in the course of an evening. But other masks we wear stay in place much longer--sometimes for an entire lifetime. We wear these masks not to have an evening of fun, but to hide our true selves behind what we consider to be a more acceptable facade. We are often afraid to let others see us for who we really are and we create personas that we think will protect us.
In a Scripture reading we will be reading this Sunday, Jesus encourages us not to let social pressures keep us from being true to who we really are. He shares this encouragement in Luke 12:1-7. At this point in the gospel, some religious leaders known as Pharisees are pressuring disciples of Jesus to hide their true convictions about Jesus. The Pharisees are waging a campaign of intimidation to frighten the disciples into keeping silent about their faith. Jesus responds by telling his disciples (which includes us!) not to worry about such threats but to worry only about pleasing God.
To prepare for worship, please read this passage, which is included below. As you read this passage you might ask yourself these questions: which masks do you wear in your life?, why are these masks worn? what do we get from wearing such masks? what, according to Jesus, is the danger of hiding our true selves? what does this passage challenge you to do?
Please note that we will be celebrating communion tomorrow rather than November 1. I had asked the session to approve this change so I might celebrate communion with you prior to my Holy Land pilgrimage.
I look forward to seeing you tomorrow.
In Christ,
1when a crowd of many thousands had gathered, so that they were trampling on one another, Jesus began to speak first to his disciples, saying: "Be on your guard against the yeast of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy. 2There is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden that will not be made known. 3What you have said in the dark will be heard in the daylight, and what you have whispered in the ear in the inner rooms will be proclaimed from the roofs.
4"I tell you, my friends, do not be afraid of those who kill the body and after that can do no more. 5But I will show you whom you should fear: Fear him who, after the killing of the body, has power to throw you into hell. Yes, I tell you, fear him. 6Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies]">? Yet not one of them is forgotten by God. 7Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don't be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.

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