Tuesday, July 1, 2014

The Simple Things in Life

Last week was a long week for the children in the Allamano School.  They had midterm exams all week.  Exams were completed Friday morning.  This particular Friday afternoon like every Friday afternoon from 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m., is gym.  65 children, ages 5 – 12, are outside playing.

Armed with just a few items and a lot of love, the 6 of us headed to the school to join the kids.  Make no mistake; we were a bit nervous walking over there.  Did we have enough “stuff” for the children?  Was it the right “stuff?”  And, how would they receive us?  Intellectually, we know it isn’t about us or the stuff we bring; we know God has prepared the way for us.  We also know we are bringing the “right” stuff as we are sharing God’s love, but in that moment….

When we walked into the school yard, the kids gathered to see who these strangers were.  We introduced ourselves and listened as they repeated our names and then giggled.  George, the school principal, announced we were joining them for their afternoon activities.  We brought out balls and many of the kids gravitated toward them.  Several kids grabbed them and headed off to the outer reaches of the school yard.  Soon games of football (soccer), volleyball, and whatever games their imagination could dream broke out everywhere. 
When the bottles of bubbles were opened, kids swarmed like bees to those who had had them.  Providing opportunity for all who wanted to participate, we asked the kids to line up and take turns blowing on the wand.  As bubbles floated in the air, kids would run after them and then hurry to get back in line. 
Slowly, we introduced more activities.  The kids split off to engage in the different activity areas; chalk art, paper airplanes, balloon rockets, and jump rope.  Then it happened.  The music started.  I’m sure you’ve heard the song.  It starts with a squeal, moves into a guttural grunt, and ends with round of harmonious laughter.   This was followed by smiles that could light the night sky.  These are the sounds and the sights that can warm the coldest heart. 

The afternoon began to draw to a close.  A group of girls gathered around me on the lawn.  I asked them to teach me the song they sang while jumping rope.  They patiently fed me the words and giggled as I mispronounced them.  We sang the song over and over until I got it.  George joined us to translate.   The song was the story of a women going off to marry.  While it may be many years before these girls ever think of marrying, I pray they will remember that afternoon, the carefree hours we spent playing in the sun, the wonderful song that played in the background, and just how good the simple things in life can be.

It has been several days since we spent the afternoon in the school yard.  Looking back, it occurs to me that many people before us have ventured out on pilgrimages in search of and to share God’s love.  For most of us, it isn’t about what we have and/or what we do; it is more about being present in the moment.  And, it’s about being comfortable planting the mustard seeds, tending the soil, and having faith that others will see the love God has for us will continue to grow.

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